I have to say and i am sure that every one know that we live in a great contry but to me Egypt is most amazing contry on the Earth ; I am sorry to say this but the Egyptions are the fewest people who take care of ther country ; I am not deffending on the Egyption but the government are responsiple of what we are in knaw . So please take care of our great country Egypt PlZ.
الف مبروك المدونه
وتمنياتى لك بالتوفيق
every country Adham has periods of ups and downs and we are in a down period and I am dead sure that we will pass it but I am not sure if our generation will see the good period but you must always have the hope and faith.
My greetings for your blogger and go ahead.
Taking care of this country my friend has been a mysterious thing since Allah created this earth, that sometimes I wonder and ask myself, is Egypt really taking care of itself?
Actually we depend on you now and on your generation to take this country where it belongs.
Truly yours
The Xee of Alex
i am realy mad if u !!!
we are a bad genration we can't do any thing.
our gneration was need u to make Egypt in it's place.
every genration give the gob to next or past generation and this is not for the good and proges of Egypt.
if u need me opinion i think we must help eachother to rise this nation again.
not mad lol
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